The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Residents seeking a burn permit in Gorham currently have two options. They can go to the Fire Department and get a permit, or they can order one online through, a service started ten years ago by Matthew Scott, a 25 year veteran of the Gorham Fire Dept. Both options are free.

Gorham was the first community in Maine to issue online permits and has a letter from the pre- vious Commissioner authorizing them. The Maine Forest Service (MFS) recently notified communities in Maine that these online burn permits are invalid and advised that they are the only ones who can issue them. There would be a cost of $7 per permit. MFS argues that only permits issued by the Director of the Maine Fire Service are valid and that private companies are not authorized to issue and enforce burn permits.

MFS states that any resident burning without a valid permit issued by MFS is committing a Class E crime and has told communities to discontinue issuing online permits. An emergency legislative bill to permit local communities to continue issuing burn permits is awaiting the Governor’s signature. He has ten days to decide whether or not to sign it. If he does, it will take effect immediately. Given the strong support for the bill, if the Governor vetoes it, it is likely that the Legislature will overturn his veto.