School News Editor

Photo credit: Meg Hatch
Aiden Fortier

The Studio for the Living Arts Dance Complex (SFLA) announced that after an extensive application and interview process, “Aiden Fortier has been awarded the Posse Arts Foundation full scholarship to the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors who demonstrate strong leadership and academic potential as well as exceptional artistic passion and promise.”

Aiden is extremely grateful to the Studio for the Living Arts Dance Complex faculty, and SFLA Director, Susan Cloutier, for providing his dance training and ongoing support. He is also thankful for his experience in the dance program at Portland Arts and Technology High School and the positive mentorship of dance teacher, Lisa Hicks. Joining UNCSA’s supportive community as a Posse Arts Scholar and receiving mentorship from renowned faculty and professional artists as a UNCSA BFA Dance major is an absolute honor. Aiden is excited to see what his future holds and is proud to announce his commitment to the UNCSA dance program.

Aiden is the son of Becky and Michael Fortier of Gorham.