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Gorham fosters a close-knit community, and the members of this community are looking out for one another. The rapid growth of Gorham’s BackPack Program is just one example.

The program was started in the fall of 2017 by Heather Whitaker, a teacher at GMS, and Thom Courtney, a GMS social worker, alongside Jen Baker, a social worker from Village School.

Since its start-up, it has grown to support 40-50 students district-wide per week, and has been able to expand the resources it provides to them.

Students in grades K-8 receive a packed bag every Friday that is put in their backpack to be taken home for the weekend. A weekly bag for younger students may include items such as pasta, applesauce, chicken noodle soup, granola bars, and more. Each bag weighs about ten pounds.

High schoolers are encouraged to advocate for themselves; there is a closet in the school that can be accessed by any student at any time. Because of community support, the program has recently been able to start giving snacks to students during the school day. Toiletries and other basic items are also available.

Photo credit Thom Courtney
Betsy Gorneau (left), from the Redeemer Lutheran Church, presented Gorham Middle School teacher Heather Whitaker (right) with a donation for the BackPack Program. The congregation selected the BackPack Program as its charitable project for the year, donating food and money since the start of the program in the fall.

As the program grows, more volunteers are joining its ranks. There are currently over 50 parent volunteers who give their time to take inventory, order and pick up food, pack and deliver bags, plan fundraisers, and complete other tasks. Generally, around eight to ten volunteers participate on bag packing days.

“It is because so many people in the community have offered support financially or by volunteering that the program is so successful,” said Whitaker. “We wouldn’t be able to do it without parent volunteers and donations.”

The program is constantly fundraising, as it needs to purchase any food that isn’t donated. So far, the program has raised around $20,000, nearing its goal of $25,000 per year. Donations have been received from groups such as the Gorham Educational Foundation and the GHS Student Council, as well as from local businesses and community members.

As the program continues, its founders wish to implement a plan to send home food with students over long weekends and vacations, and hopefully find a way to continue support through the summer break. While they anticipate growth, they want to make sure they can sustain the work that is already happening.

Donation checks can be made out to: Gorham School Department with BackPack Program written on the memo line. A receipt will be mailed back. Please send the check to: Hollis Cobb, Finance Officer, Gorham School Department, 75 South Street, Gorham, Maine, 04038.

If interested in volunteering, making a donation, or if you want to learn more information, please contact a program coordinator. Baker is the coordinator for the elementary schools, and can be reached at, 222-1300. Whitaker is the coordinator for the middle school and high school, and can be reached at