The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Baxter Memorial Library reopened on June 1 with limited services. The library’s current hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Updates to these hours will be posted on the library’s website and Facebook page.

Due dates for items checked out before the closure have been extended through July 10. Book drops are open but items will remain in quarantine for 72 hours before being processed.

A limited number of Baxter Library cardholders are able to visit the library at any one time based on guidelines from the Maine Library Commission and the State of Maine. Signs outside the library will indicate where to wait. While families and other groups are not prohibited, patrons are encouraged to visit the library by themselves due to occupancy restrictions.

Visitors will be required to wear a mask while in the library. If a patron is unable to wear a mask or would rather not enter the library, a new curbside service is available for pickup. More details will be posted on the library’s website. The three 15-minute parking spots closest to the library are designated for curbside service only.

Due to the occupancy constraints, the library we will begin its reopening by operating a “local holds only” system – patrons will not be able to browse the collection or access the children’s room. Library staff will be placing book bundles and highlighting new titles near the circulation desk to easily check out on a whim.

Interlibrary loan requesting remains suspended statewide. An update will be provided as soon as it resumes. Holds for stock items at Baxter may be placed online through the Minerva catalog, by phone, and in person at the library. Staff will be pulling books multiple times a day.

Baxter Memorial Library will be reevaluating services constantly and will keep the public updated on any changes as they happen.