The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

School News Editor

Gorham Middle School (GMS) will be revising its annual eighth-grade class trip after this year, and will add a seventh-grade trip as well.

With this being GMS teacher Melanie Doran’s last year running the Washington, D.C. eighth-grade trip, after 14 years, GMS decided to switch companies and now offer a seventh- and eighth-grade trip. Beginning this year, GMS will offer a seventh-grade Washington, D.C. trip, which will take place June 28-July 2. Mike Coffin (GMS SRO) and Kristen Fitz-Frank (GMS Administrative Assistant) will be running the seventh-grade trip this year and will run both trips going forward.

Starting next year, eighth-grade students will be offered a different trip during April vacation that includes going to New York City, Hershey Park, and the Jersey Shore.

Please contact Fitz-Frank at, Coffin at, or Doran at with any questions about either trip this year.