School News Editor

The Gorham School Committee met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023. There were several presentations and many guests in the audience.

The committee began by recognizing their Gorham High School Girls Volleyball Team for winning the state championship this fall. GHS Athletic Director recognized the girls for their hard work and commented on the spirit of the Gorham High School community for dressing in blue at the championship game to honor Lewiston and the tragedy that that community was dealing with. Coach Emma Tirrell recognized the dedication of all her players and the tradition and commitment that has been built the last few years.

Village School principal, Jodi Mezzonotte introduced teachers Brian Penley and Lexie Cadell to present the Place Based Learning Program being initiated at the school. Mr. Penley explained that this approach involves connecting the students to their environment and larger community. This is being done through author visits, fifth grade and kindergarten partnerships, game days, studying ecology and other activities. A highlight was a visit by Meg Edstrom Jones, and the staff of The Ecology School to help students study the leaf life cycle, vermicomposting and birds. Several students spoke about the importance of these lessons and programs on their learning.

The three Multilingual Learning Program teachers; Heather Alden-Paredes, Cecily Conrad and Erica Woods presented the highlights, successes and challenges of their program. Currently the Multilingual Learning Program has 102 students speaking 25 different languages from all over the world. Two GHS students, as well as one of the school committee student representatives spoke eloquently about the benefits of the program on their lives.

The teachers provide a variety of services including direct instruction, relationship-building and support, registration of new students, coordination, and support with classroom teachers, providing interpreters, providing staff development services, and meeting the hierarchy of needs that their students require before learning can take place. While being committed to their positions and dedicated to helping their students, as three teachers, they are feeling stretched by increasing caseloads and responsibilities in five buildings.

Brian Porter, Assistant Superintendent highlighted several areas of the superintendent’s monthly report; the leadership’s team efforts to learn about AI and the influences and uses in education, the budget process and timeline and the joint budget planning process with the town.

He also mentioned the K-5 attendance zone shift and the development of plans for community building for students and staff. Finally, he highlighted the great need for substitute nurses particularly at this time of the year.