The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

The gifts Spring brings to us this year seem much more special. While we have had to alter our expectations for a “normal” life for awhile, nature provides many opportunities to relax and rejoice. Just stepping outside to breathe in the smells of a storm coming or the fragrance of spring blooms or a fresh mown lawn, or listening to joyful bird songs can take us away from these times of stress and uncertainty. I can almost appreciate the tunnel patterns the moles have made in my lawn as I press them down with my feet and try not to worry about the worms they are eating.

Grooming your yard and garden is great for getting exercise and fresh air, both of which are essential for our well-being. To you walkers and joggers, I hope you notice the front yards and gardens your neighbors have planted for your enjoyment. Share your appreciation with a note, a wave, or comments from afar.

Even if you have not grown herbs and vegetables before, there are many varieties that can be grown in pots. You can plant your own seeds or local nurseries have the plants all started for you and will give you advice on planting instructions. We are also fortunate to have greenhouse growers nearby that will sell you spring greens ready to eat.

A friend sent me the most beautiful picture of an April sunset, certainly worth a thousand words or a memory picture worth painting. Take time to look at the patterns and colors of the sky as the days wax and wane. Sit quietly on a stump and watch and listen to what is happening around you. Let the wind blow through your soul and your uncut hair.

When we get bogged down with events that seem insurmountable or at the least inconvenient, remember that hope is everywhere. Six feet away or miles apart, connect with friends and family with a phone call, text message, Face Time or Zoom. Share parts of your favorite book, or a fond family memory. Paint a picture. Write about your observations. Document your walks with photos. Laugh about silly things. Reminisce with friends. Serve a meal on your best china. A little vase of violets can brighten your day. Leave a few blooms on the doorstep of a friend to send a smile their way. Give a friendly wave to a stranger. Find a way to pamper yourself, too, because it is the little things that count for so much.

Remember that the rain helps the plants to grow, the cold stalls the blooming time, the sun gives everything hope. Gratefully receive the gifts Nature gives so freely.

Linda Treworgy Faatz, a passionate gardener for many years, lives in her family home at Friend’s Corner and cares for the extensive Treworgy gardens. She loves to share her home and gardens through craft sales, classes and garden events.