The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Gorham Churches United (GCU), formerly Gorham Ecumenical Council, has changed its name to reflect a new emphasis on community service. In addition to continuing to offer a Thanksgiving service this month and a Service of Comfort and Remembrance in December, the organization made up of local churches will seek to fund an annual scholarship. The group is inviting other churches and individuals to join with them in this and other community projects.

Founded in the mid-1960s to foster good relations between churches, GEC began holding special services together and joint choir performances. A project to distribute government issued surplus food led to the establishment of the Gorham Food Pantry which now has its own board of directors. Gorham Churches United will continue to volunteer and support the pantry, including helping with Thanksgiving Baskets, but GCU chairman Nathan Colton said, “we are looking for new direction and welcome ideas from the community.”

Currently member churches are West Gorham Union Church, First Parish UCC, Cressey Road United Methodist Church, North Gorham UCC, and St. Anne’s Catholic Church. For more information about the organization, email