Staff Writers

Heather Perry and Jon Smith were the recipients of prestigious awards at the “A Light on the Point” event held at Southern Maine Community College. This ceremony celebrated outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to their community and the college.

Smith was honored as Outstanding Alumnus for his journey from student to successful owner of Great Falls Construction Company. Smith’s journey from student to successful business owner serves as an inspiration to current and future students. Smith started his company right after graduation and it has grown to 65 employees. GFC is known for building or renovating everything from residential, municipal, commercial, educational, historical, to retail properties. The company is known for maintaining high industry standards. In addition, Jon has served the Town of Gorham in many roles, including the Gorham School Committee, Gorham Educational Foundation, Ethical and Responsible Behavior Committee and the Gorham Schools and Business Roundtable. He also served on the SMCC Building Construction Advisory team.

In his acceptance speech, Smith expressed his gratitude for his wife and business partner, Cindy, his family, and the entire Great Falls Construction team. He believes strongly in creating a culture that brings out the best in everyone. Smith also highlighted the power of personal and professional growth by volunteering and giving back.

Perry, Superintendent of Schools in Gorham, was honored as the outstanding business leader of the year for making a significant impact through her leadership. Perry spearheaded the creation of the Educator Apprenticeship Program that addresses the shortage of special education teachers. This program allows individuals to learn and become certified as they work. Participants become certified as Educational II Technicians and then, if they choose, continue their education and become certified special education teachers while working and being paid. This program not only addresses the need for increasing the numbers of employable teachers, it also introduces the model that school districts can create earn-as-you-learn programs. This program can and will be recreated throughout the state. Countless students, teachers and school districts will benefit from this model program.

In her acceptance speech, Perry cited the willingness of Southern Maine Community College, the University of Southern Maine, the State Department of Education and many individuals willing to help make this vision a reality.