Contributing Writer

As people watch in disbelief over the continued Russian military invasion of Ukraine, it’s natural to want to help.

First Russian Baptist Church (FRBC), located at 211 Mosher Road, is continuing to accept donations for Ukraine. Due to the outpouring of support, one shipment has already been sent.

If you would like to offer support to Ukraine, donations can be dropped off at the family center/gym door at the FRBC on Wednesdays between 5-7 p.m.

Donation items to consider: packable blankets (like fleece) and bedding, sleeping bags, towels, hygiene/sanitary items (anything from toothbrushes to sanitary pads and soap, etc.), first aid items, undergarments (new), diapers and wipes, formula, backpacks, small mid-sized toys, and craft/art supplies for children such as coloring books and markers.

If donating pre-owned clothes and shoes, please be sure they are clean and in good condition.

Photo credit: First Russian Baptist Church