Sports Editor

The Gorham High School Boys Varsity Basketball Coach, Mark Karter, recently announced the recipient of this year’s Henry O’Neill Spirit Award is Quinn Dillon, a senior player for the GHS Rams. At the start of each basketball season, Coach Karter explains the meaning of “Hank it Up” to his players, an expression that symbolizes the passion Henry had for his friends (& fun) and his affection for his teammates and the game of basketball. Coach Karter reminds his players to enjoy high school sports, to not take things too seriously, and to create lifelong friendships and memories along the way.

Photo credit: Diane O’Neill
Quinn Dillon, Senior Athlete, recipient of this years Henry O’Neill Spirit Award

The annual Spirit Award winner is voted on and selected by the players.

Jennifer Meader, a close family friend to the O’Neill’s shares Henry’s character to a T, “since he was small he was the fun kid; quick with a smile, ready for action, charismatic, outgoing, spontaneous and silly. But he also was loyal through and through … the first to show up in his friends’ times of need (on land or lake) and the epitome of a great teammate and friend. His energy was contagious and the joy surrounding his life that his family continues to share is extraordinary.”

The Spirit Award has been presented twice previously, to Bode Meader in 2021, and to Dylan Morrell in 2022. This year, a scholarship component has been added which will be presented to the award recipient at the GHS Sports Awards Night in June. Future donations towards this annual scholarship in Henry O’Neill’s memory may be made directly to the Gorham High School Athletics Department, or to a member of the O’Neill family. Henry O’Neill was tragically killed in a work vehicle accident in 2020.