GHS Student Intern

“This is your classic Sherlock origin story that happens to be comical. It is family-friendly, rated PG, there’s undercover agents, pick pockets, and lots of comically evil characters,” said senior Isaac Martel, reflecting on Gorham High School’s fall production of “Sherlock Holmes” that opens this weekend.

Martel stars as John Watson in the play. He is the trusty sidekick to Sherlock Holmes, who is played by sophomore Mason Hawkes. Professor Moriarty is played by junior AJ Booth, and Alice Faulkner is played by sophomore Emily Paruk.

Photo credit Lydia Valentine
The cast of Gorham High School’s fall production of “Sherlock Holmes” will keep you laughing as you try to solve the mystery.

This version of the classic mystery tale follows secret love letters produced by a secret engagement between Prince Carl, played by sophomore Sierra Cummings, and his fiancé, and the plan to stop them from falling into the wrong hands.

The play begins with the letters in the possession of Alice Faulkner, the sister of Prince Carl’s bride. Sherlock and Watson must retrieve the letters and stop Moriarty from releasing them.

“We have a lot of fun and work great with each other,” said Paruk. “The show is really light and funny. People will enjoy it.”

Stage manager, junior Molly Lemont, hopes that people come and see this funny fast-paced story. “Being the stage manager, you see it all come together slowly but surely, finding its way through the blocking and into the production. It really is a great show.”

The production takes place at GHS’ McCormick Performing Arts Center on Friday, November 16 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, November 17 at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, November 18 at 2 p.m. Students are $5 and adults are $10.