The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

School News Editor

The Gorham School Department has approved and welcomed its new staff for the upcoming 2019/20 school year. If you see them around our schools, make sure to stop and say hello.

Melissa Bryant is a first-grade teacher at Great Falls Elementary School (Great Falls), replacing Michelle Lesperance, who retired. She has a B.A. in psychology from the University of Southern Maine (USM).

Jessica Romanoff Burton is a .2 (one day/week) art teacher at Great Falls, replacing Pat Kaczmarek, who resigned this summer. She has a B.A. of fine arts and a M.S. in clinical mental health counseling from USM.

Quinton Donahue is principal of Gorham Middle School (GMS), replacing Bob Riley, who retired. He has a B.S. in secondary math education, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in educational leadership, both from the University of Maine at Orono (UMO).

Richard Dowe is the library/media specialist at Great Falls, replacing Meghan Oliver, who resigned to take another position out of state. He has a B.S. in Russian studies and a M.S. in library and information studies both from McGill University.

Sharon Hamann is a fifth-grade teacher at Great Falls, replacing Jessica Groleau, who resigned at the end of the school year. She has a B.A. in psychology/PE in outdoor education.

Sarah Heald is a 4/5 grade teacher in a new position at Narragansett School. She has a B.S. in elementary education from UMO.

Kaitlin Flanders is a third-grade teacher at Village Elementary School, replacing Lois Bywaters who took the art position vacated by Paula Balcolm’s retirement. She has a B.S. in education from the University of Maine at Farmington (UMF) and a M.Ed. in education from USM.

Rosemarie Lawrence is a band teacher at GMS, replacing Kim Mathieu, who resigned mid-year. She has a B.A. in music education from USM.

Colin Loveless is a 4/5 health/PE teacher at Gorham High School (GHS) in a new position. He received a B.S. in physical education from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.

Shellie Pride is the adult education director, replacing Kate Rotroff. She has a B.S. in applied technology and masters in adult and higher education, both from USM.

Stephanie Ramonas is a special education teacher in the behavior program at GHS, replacing Jen McPherson, who moved into a resource room at GHS. She has a B.S. in sociology from Concordia University.

Eteri Schvets is a French teacher at GHS, replacing Marc Paradis, who resigned at the end of the school year. She has a B.A. in English
and French literatures from the University of California, San Diego and a Ph.D. in French literature from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Jessica Shaw is a resource room teacher at GMS, replacing Kellie Battaglia. She has a B.S. in psychology from UMF and a M.S. in special education from USM.

Elizabeth Snyder is a physics/intervention teacher at GHS, replacing Terri Bartick who resigned at the end of the school year. She has a B.S. in health, wellness, and occupational studies from the University of New England (UNE) and a M.Ed. in education, ETEP program, from USM.

Amy Spagnoli is a resource room teacher at GMS, replacing Linda Townsend. She received a B.A. in psychology and a masters in elementary/special education from Rutgers University.

Rebecca Thibeault is a fifth-grade teacher at Village, replacing retiring teachers Anne Stuart and Susan Adams-Thompson. She has a B.S. in elementary education from UNE.

Nicole Wiesendanger is a 4/5 social studies teacher in a one-year position at GHS, replacing Shaunna Dunn, who is taking a one-year unpaid leave of absence. She has a B.A. in history and a masters in American and New England Studies, both from USM, and a M.Ed. from St. Joe’s.

Marie Whitney is a third-grade teacher at Great Falls in a new position. She has a B.A. in communication from Keene State College and a M.Ed. in education and completed the ETEP program at USM.