The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

On Dec. 2, I was honored to be sworn into the 130th Maine Legislature for my first term representing Gorham, most of Scarborough, Bar Mills and part of Buxton in the state senate. Alongside my fellow legislators, I swore an oath of service to Maine and my community.

I’d like to introduce myself briefly to those of you whom I haven’t yet met. I’m an organic farmer, small-business owner and nurse-midwife. My family and I live in Scarborough where we own and operate Broadturn Farm, producing cut flowers and vegetables, host weddings and run a summer day camp focused on connecting youth with sustainable agriculture. We’ve grown our farm into a thriving business, employing 30 people at the height of the season. As a registered nurse, this past spring when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I returned to my first career at a local hospital in order to help address the state’s nursing shortage.

I ran for office because I know that we need a senator with strong ties to our community and deep relationships with their neighbors. While our new legislative session will begin in January, I’ve already gotten to work meeting with and listening to people here at home. So many of us are working harder than ever to come up with creative solutions just to get by, and I know that the challenges before us are daunting. I’ve talked to parents, students and teachers who are learning to cope with online and hybrid learning. I’ve met with other business owners and workers who are struggling to find creative ways to connect with their consumers and make ends meet. I see you, and I understand your struggle. These problems are at the forefront of my mind as we begin this legislative session.

I will be chairing the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (ENR), which addresses a wide range of issues including air and water quality, natural resource protection, oversight of the Department of Environmental Protection, and more. Maine is a special place because of its natural resources, whether you’re a farmer, work in the woods or on the water, or just love taking in the sights and sounds of our state’s beauty. I look forward to finding new ways to preserve our state’s best features for generations to come. I also will serve on the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee, which is responsible for overseeing insurance plans and regulations, as well as laws surrounding banking and financial institutions.

Committee work and public hearings will look different this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In order to keep legislators, staff and the public safe, we voted to change the rules regarding public hearings before committees. Now, for the first time ever, you will be able to provide testimony via phone or videoconference, as well as by submitting written testimony online. I am excited about this change and what it means for your access to the legislature. Just think about how many more working families will be able to participate in our legislative process now that they don’t need to take off work, find childcare, or pay for gas and drive hours away.

This year hasn’t been easy for anyone, but every challenge before us offers an opportunity to find helpful solutions. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at or call my office at 207-287-1515.