Contributing Writer

On Purpose WellBeing Center is now open at 381 Main Street, Suite 4. Owner Catherine Wilson (GHS ’82) is excited to offer her hometown a space to “help individuals recover, re-create, and rejoice.”

As soon as she saw the space on Main Street, Wilson knew that she needed to be there. “I grew up on Brackett Street and then moved to Libby Avenue; the space on Main Street felt like home. Gorham needs a space to spiritually open up and once I found it, the space never let me go.”

Wilson is a personal trainer with over twenty years’ experience in the wellness industry and is a 2017 World Triathlete. She has worked with all ages, levels, and abilities. Her fitness philosophy is to “blend resources to nourish clients’ well-being both physically and spiritually in their quest for a healthy lifestyle.”

According to personal training client Sue-Ellen Roper McClain, “Catherine takes each client’s life seriously and customizes the weekly workouts for maximum benefit. I never know what she has up her sleeve when I arrive at the studio – but I always leave energized.”

Photo courtesy of Catherine Wilson

On Purpose WellBeing offers personal training, small group classes, and both secular and Christian faith-based programs. Wilson is one of four certified Revelation Wellness Instructors in Maine and holds her faith-based classes “near and dear to her heart.” Secular classes currently include Oula, Pound, Senior, Baby Boomer, 80’s Step, HIIT, and Chair Yoga.

Unique to On Purpose WellBeing Center is its Recovery Room and Recovery classes which help to restore both the mind and body. The classes are self-motivated and self-taught; participants will have access to tools such as foam rollers and flexibility balls, as well as the Far Infrared Sauna.

Not only for experienced athletes, the Far Infrared Sauna offers value for all abilities, including “reducing soreness, relaxing and relieving tension and stress, and helping the body heal.” Additionally, the infrared sauna also promotes weight loss “as the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories.”

On Purpose WellBeing Center will be hosting an open house on August 14 from 5-8:00 p.m. The event will include special guests FitMaine, complimentary 15-minute Infrared Sauna sessions, demos, lectures, door prizes, swag, and an outdoor Pound class called “Pound the Pavement.” Individuals interested in participating in the Pound class will be asked to make a small donation which will go toward the construction of Gorham’s new Pump Track.

On Purpose WellBeing Center is open by appointment only Monday through Friday, 6-10:30 a.m. and 5-8:00 p.m. Wednesday and Friday. Individuals can sign up for classes and personal training sessions using the Mindbody app, by calling 222-0142, or via email at