The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

At their June 9 regular meeting, the School Committee (SC) thanked Zak Lembarra for his service as student representative, presented outgoing Assistant Superintendent Chris Record with a parting gift, and approved the appointment of Jodi Mezzanotte as principal of Village Elementary School.

Superintendent Heather Perry announced that physical distancing will not be required in schools in the fall. She said that the Maine Department of Education is waiting for federal government approval before releasing ESSER111 funding applications, and that the district is ready to apply. She reported that the curriculum audit work was completed across all content areas and grade levels, with a report to be released in October.

Perry expressed concern over filling ed tech and bus driver positions. She announced that Gorham voters passed the FY21 budget referendum the day before the meeting.

School Committee members joined her in thanking voters for their support and also expressed concern over personnel shortages. The district is advertising an eight-hour day for bus drivers and offering an earn-to-learn program as well as signing bonuses.

Record presented a Federal Title Grant review and plan for the 2021-22 school year. In preparation, he had met with the review team of administrators, laboratory and classroom teachers, and parents.

Title I covers K-5 literacy and math skills; Title II funds professional development and improving teaching and learning. The goals of Title IV relate to social and emotional needs, remediation, absenteeism, and helping the lowest 25% of learners.

Record will be submitting data collected regarding progress made on issues addressed by Title IV that will be included in the superintendent’s state of the schools report.

Goals for 2021-22 include improving math skills and literacy in the lowest 25%, improving instructional practice, and helping meet students’ social/emotional needs. Record included advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as continuing to implement the Anti-racism and Equity Policy.

The SC voted (7-0) to approve the Dropout Prevention Policy as well as authorizing transfer of budgeted funds of not more than 5% between cost centers.

They voted (6-1, Gagnan) to bring forward a proposed bond referendum to fund seven capital improvement projects not to exceed $6.1 million. The referendum does not include any funds for Gorham Middle School expansion, but does revise costs for other projects due to estimate increases.

In personnel matters, the SC voted (7-0) to approve the appointment of Jodi Mezzanotte to be principal of Village Elementary School. She taught 5th grade and was assistant principal at Village prior to becoming an assistant superintendent in another district. They also voted to appoint Erica Woods as a K-5 ELL teacher, Penelope Coward as Village behavior program teacher, Sophia Hendrix for a one-year 2nd grade teacher position at Great Falls, and Jeff Burnap as 9-12 remote learning teacher. They approved Schedule B coaching personnel for fall sports.

Superintendent Perry reviewed the summary data for COVID quarantines and students sent home with possible symptoms, saying that the 298 number for K-5 numbers for students and staff were lower in the later part of May than earlier. There were 24 students and no staff recorded for grades 6-12. She noted the impact of vaccinations on numbers for staff. The district will offer vaccination clinics for grades 6-12 in the fall for eligible students.