The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

At the November 14 annual organizational meeting, the School Committee (SC) welcomed newly elected member Anne Schools. Voters reelected Darryl Wright, who was absent, to fill the other open position. The SC voted Wright and Stewart McCallister to serve another year as chair and vice-chair. In thanking voters for their support of the schools, Kyle Currier emphasized that SC members appreciate people approaching them to discuss school related issues.

Superintendent Heather Perry announced that because Gorham voters agreed to join the Greater Sebago Education Alliance (GSEA) Regional Service Center, the School Department will receive an additional $74,000 state subsidy this year and an additional $174,000 in FY20.

She also shared that the district is looking for substitute teachers and encouraged interested people to apply.

Several SC members, including student representatives Kyren Bettencourt and Ava Pitman, attended The Maine School Management Association (MSBA) meeting in Lewiston. Sessions included discussions on field trip policies and world language programs. The Gorham students particularly enjoyed meeting student representatives from across the state.

Perry gave an interim report on the district’s Strategic Plan. The plan has three major components: Students, Learning, and Culture. Students are encouraged to develop positive growth practices and to recognize that errors can lead to greater social and emotional understanding.

The plan also includes a commitment to “student centered learning.” Areas being addressed are “applied real world learning,” efficient use of time, and assessing progress in creating student-centered classrooms. Trips to colleges and manufacturing plants are examples of how the district is encouraging real-world learning.

A major initiative of the cultural aspect of the Strategic Plan is improving communication. This involves communication between teachers across content areas and grade levels in the district’s three elementary schools. Also important is communication with the community through the website, newspapers, and video media. The Strategic Plan is available on the Gorham School Department website.

The SC voted (6-0, Wright absent) to approve the 2018-19 School Committee goals and contracts for athletic coaches and other extracurricular positions. Kyle Currier expressed some concern that they were voting without enough information about the process used to evaluate personnel in these positions.