The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Contributing Writer

Gorham joined 659 other communities across the country last month when the Town Council voted to proclaim the Saturday after Thanksgiving as “Small Business Saturday,” a day dedicated to supporting our local businesses which in turn helps to create jobs, boost the economy, and keep communities thriving.

This event, which was initiated in 2010, is directed by a coalition comprised of national, state and local associations. It has successfully promoted shopping in the smaller, independently owned businesses over super stores, and educated consumers on all of the benefits of doing so. For every $100 spent at locally owned businesses, $68 stays in the community; when you spend that same $100 at a national chain, only $43 stays in the community.

“Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the days that most people are familiar with, but I hope that Small Business Saturday can eventually become as well recognized and people realize the economic impact they can have on the businesses in their own community and the economic impact those businesses have on the community,” said Ben Hartwell, Gorham Town Council Chairman.

The day appears to be taking hold. In November of last year, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution recognizing Small Business Saturday, which this year is November 30. The presence on social media is growing rapidly with over 22 million posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using #ShopSmall and/or #SmallBizSat.

To support the Town Council in this initiative, help keep our local businesses vital, and maintain our small town environment, this year start a new tradition on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Bundle up the family and head into Gorham rather than out of it to do a little shopping and grab a bite to eat at a local restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. The whole community benefits from buying locally.