The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

In her blog on September 2, 2022, Superintendent Heather Perry encouraged members of the school community to keep informed of information and events at the schools this year.

In her blog, she offered many avenues for family and community to get district information, including the district web link,, indicating that big announcements would be on the front page.

The Upcoming Events listed on the right side of the page will be district-wide events and notifications. She also pointed out that the links to district Facebook and Twitter sites are located at the top right of the website, and that anyone searching for official school sites should look for the Gorham Schools’ logo.

The Superintendent’s Blog is an “every-other-week blog post” located on the district website. The blog may be accessed by going to the main district page and clicking on the “Info” tab at the top.

The website also includes School Committee news, which is made publicly available. A few key places to go if you want to follow along with the work of the School Committee, including meeting agendas and minutes, subcommittee materials and policies is by choosing the school committee link under district information on the website. In addition, each School Committee regular meeting is live streamed via GoCat TV. Later these recordings are posted on the Go Cat website that you can find on the Town of Gorham’s website.

From the district website, one can also see links to specific schools. She wrote, “Click on your child’s school and you’ll find information about what is happening at each school. Each school’s website also has an active events calendar which is kept up to date.”

“Each school sends out a weekly newsletter to all families. Often these are also linked on websites for quick access by families. These newsletters are the details about what to expect each week and a look to the horizon on what to expect in the coming weeks for events, important dates, etc. These are often emailed out to families using our school messenger system. She advises, “If you have not already been getting updates from the school via this system…you should reach out to your school’s administrative assistant to make sure you are on the list!”

Perry encouraged school community members to reach out with questions, saying that she and each member of the school staff are ready to work with parents and the community to support the children. Her phone number is 222-1012 and email is