School News Editor

Superintendent Heather Perry is creating a four-part podcast series to dig more deeply into what our public schools do, why they do it, and how much it costs to do this important work to benefit our community.

The first installment is titled Public Schools in the Twenty First Century: a discussion with President Jacqueline Edmondson of USM, is currently being broadcast on GoCat and is available at this link:

Each thirty-minute discussion involves a theme and community leader. Future themes will include Public School Governance, Public Schools and Public Funding, and Public Schools in The Future. Future community “champions” offering perspective and insight include local business professionals Kathy Garrard and Shawn Moody.

According to Superintendent Perry, “Our public schools are at the heart of our community and at the heart of our democratic society. They are a place where every child is seen as having the potential to do anything they set their dreams to. Our schools are the largest investment our community makes in its future. My goal via this video series is to help community members know what their investment provides for our children and for our community while helping folks understand the unique challenges our schools face in making our mission/ vision a reality in today’s complex world. I hope members of our community find these videos informative and would welcome additional feedback or questions that may come after watching.”