SAIL Program

Feb. 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Social Skills Teacher Stacey Sawyer’s 2nd graders are learning how to promote kindness in their community. Mrs. Sawyer is anchoring empathy and kindness in this unit of Social Skills. She wanted “a tangible project to spread kindness.”

Photo credit: Christine Karcanes

Mrs. Sawyer teamed up with Joanne Gauley, K-5 Technology Integration Specialist, to design and print a coin. Mrs. Gauley asked the students to brainstorm words or pictures that could go on the coin. The students then decided what the coin would look like and how to distribute them to others.

Students were invited to watch the coins formed on the 3D printer. 59 coins were made. Mrs. Sawyer and her students’ message is, “if you see or receive kindness, please pay it forward.” Be on the lookout for Kindness Coins in the Gorham community!