The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

The Maine State Legislature has made changes to the current rules related to accessory dwelling units on private property to “increase housing opportunities in Maine.” The law, which takes effect on November 7, specifies requirements for increased density for “any area in which housing is allowed.” Municipalities are not required to implement this change until July 1, 2023.

Currently, only one housing unit is allowed on a given property although a second unit is permitted if it is attached to the primary dwelling. The new law permits up to two additional dwelling units in addition to the primary one and both new units may be detached. Towns will need to change their ordinances to comply with this new state law. The dwellings must remain affordable.

The goals of this law are to increase both the amount of housing as well as the amount of affordable housing. Maine currently needs approximately 9,000 units to meet the demand for housing.