Town Clerk

Tuesday, November 6, is Election Day. Get out and VOTE. On the local ballot there are two seats open for Town Council and two seats open for School Board. There is also a local referendum question. On the State Ballot we are voting for Governor, US Senate, US Representatives, Sheriff, and Judge of Probate along with five referendum questions. To view sample ballots, click here.

Polling places in Gorham are: Ward 1-1 at Gorham Middle School, Ward 1-2 at Little Falls Activity Center and Ward 2 at Shaw Gym. If you are unaware of where to vote, call the Town Clerk’s office at 222-1670.

You can still register to vote in person at the Clerk’s office through November 5 and at the polls on Election Day. Please bring photo ID for identification and something with your Gorham address on it for proof of residency.