The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Superintendent of Gorham Schools

Gorham residents will see a question on the November 6 ballot that reads as follows: “Do you favor a plan for the Gorham School Department (GSD) to join the Greater Sebago Education Alliance (GSEA) Regional Service Center (RSC) through an interlocal agreement that will allow the School Department to receive additional revenue through the state funding formula and to more efficiently procure goods and services?”

This question asks voters to approve GSD’s participation in a RSC, which will provide the GSD with opportunities to purchase certain goods and services at more competitive rates.

There is an annual fee/dues to join ($1,000) and the Department of Education (DOE) is compensating all districts participating in a RSC this year with an additional subsidy (close to $80,000 for GSD this year, which covers the service center fee and much more).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q) Why does this require voter approval?

A) Although the GSD often partners with other districts to obtain better deals on goods and services and to develop collaborative ideas and seek efficiencies in many ways, this particular initiative was developed by the DOE in an effort to foster more formalized partnerships and sharing among districts. Voter approval is required to create the new governmental structure that allows this RSC to operate.

Q) Who are the other members?

A) There are nine other member school districts. Those are the original five SEA members (Westbrook, Scarborough, MSAD 6, RSU 14, and Gorham) plus five additional members: Portland, South Portland, Brunswick, RSU 5, RSU 15, and Cape Elizabeth.

Q) What goods and services will GSD be accessing through GSEA?

A) GSD will participate in some combined professional development (teacher training) and in a streamlining of the recruitment of substitutes. Additionally, GSD and GSEA will work together to procure goods and services for Gorham’s School Nutrition Programs at bulk rates. Eventually, the hope is these cooperatives will grow to purchasing of other items everyone can utilize, and in other collaborations that reduce costs for all members.

Q) How does GSEA work?

A) All participating member districts will have a seat on the board, and will have equal input into decision-making. One district will serve as the fiscal agent for the organization, and one part-time director will manage the details. The DOE will pay all costs for the director this year, and fifty percent of the cost in future years. The revenue generated by partner dues and by non-partner fees for services will cover the remaining costs going forward.

Q) Can GSD get out of this partnership if they want to?

A) In essence yes. There is an option to declare membership dormancy for the following year by February of any given year. GSD would then not pay the annual dues nor would GSD participate in the group purchasing of goods and services in that following year.