Staff Writer

At an August 18 special meeting, the School Committee (SC) unanimously voted to open Gorham High School (GHS) under a “yellow” or hybrid plan. In order to maintain six-foot distances between students, GHS will hold some classes at the Municipal Center. With this decision, all Gorham students can return to the classroom for two days a week beginning on September 8. A survey of parents indicates that only about 10% have chosen not to enroll their children for in-person learning this fall.

The GHS plan will divide students into two groups. The A group will consist of students whose last names begin with A-K. They will attend school on Mondays and Wednesdays. The B group, with names beginning L-Z, will be on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Principal Brian Jandreau said that GHS will adopt a 4×4 Semester Block schedule. “Essentially this is the same structure used by most colleges,” he explained. “Students take four classes during the fall semester and four classes in the spring semester.” This plan is recommended by the Maine Department of Education (DOE). Each class will meet twice a week, and through some synchronous learning at home, the teacher will have contact with every student in that class four days a week.

This schedule further limits the potential for exposure to Covid by both teachers and students as they will have only four classes instead of the traditional eight. Teachers will have about half the students they would normally have, and each class period will be about twice as long as before. It is expected that having fewer classes to prepare for will reduce stress for teachers and students.

When students have classes in the Municipal Center, they will simply walk across Robie Park. A staff member will monitor this process. Students who attend Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) or Portland Arts and Technical High School (PATHS) will do so on the days they are scheduled to be in school and transportation will be provided by GHS.

There were 2,516 responses to a survey sent to parents before the SC voted to open GHS in yellow. Parents were asked if they would send their children to school for the fall semester. Although at the time GHS was scheduled to open in red (fully remote), 93% of responding high school parents indicated they would be willing to send them if the high school opened in yellow. Nearly 90% of parents of Gorham Middle School and elementary school students who responded said they would as well. However, only 36% of parents will send them on a school bus, choosing instead to provide their own transportation.

Photo credit Neile Nelson
Gorham High School will open under a hybrid model next week. The school has incorporated many changes to keep staff and students safe, including plexiglass in the main office, sanitizing stations, and cones in the hallways with reminders to social distance.