School News Editor

Photo credit: Josie Tierney-Fife, One Act Director
GHS’s cast of the one act production, “The Terazin Promise”

At the Regional One Act Festival on the weekend of March 10, the Gorham High School entry, “The Terazin Promise” finished in first place. They will compete later this month in the statewide competition being held at Lawrence High School. “The Terazin Promise” tells the story of a group of young people in a concentration camp at the end of World War 2. This group is determined to stay at the camp to preserve their artwork and their history, as the few remaining guards are burning and destroying the evidence of the existence of the camp and the people who were held there. It is an emotionally powerful presentation that provokes the viewer to fully comprehend the importance of honoring our existence and those who came before us. Our stories need to be told and cannot be erased by the brutality of others. In addition to the first-place finish, the following students were also recognized for their work and earned the following commendations: Amy Morin for sound, Elsie Bradshaw for lights, Sofia Andrade and Emma Smith for choral arrangement of the Czech National Anthem, in English.

Named to the All Festival Cast in recognition of Excellence in Acting: Aera Hyson, Amelia Olaru, Emma Smith, and Sofia Andrade Josie Tierney-Fife, the director, and an English Teacher at GHS, said, “I am so proud of these students and the entire cast and crew. They have worked incredibly hard to fully understand and portray the history and emotions of this sensitive dramatic presentation.”