The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Tom Dupuis spoke on behalf of the Gorham Skate Park Project and wanted to introduce the project to the Council for their thoughts and review.

Councilor Hartwell challenged citizens to compare our roads to surrounding Town’s roads after snowstorms. He commented that we use about half the amount of salt on roads compared to other communities. He acknowledged that this is a budget issue and wanted to make citizens aware.

Councilor Wilder Cross thanked Jessica Hughes and Laurie Nordfors for their help with the many Zoom meetings over the past year. She recently sat in on the first Board of Health meeting and reported that this board will soon be announcing a number of resources regarding health issues to the community. Their meetings will be held monthly on the second Monday at 5:30pm via Zoom. She also attended a meeting of the Historical Preservation Committee and is grateful how this group monitors Gorham’s architectural historical integrity.

Councilor Hager announced that the Finance Committee will meet on March 25th and will be reviewing the budget year to date as well as the Town’s Schedule of Fees, which he hopes to bring back to the Council for their vote in June.

Councilor Shepard reported that the Ordinance Committee met on February 16th and reviewed the expansion of the Village Area as well as the requirements and restrictions in place for the installation of commercial and residential solar. They also reviewed amending the Land Use and Development Code in regards to permitting of certain private driveways. All of these items are on the agenda tonight.

Councilor Kuech reported that she attended a technical session of NNE SWANA and heard from speakers from surrounding states. She learned about different things from death rates of trash haulers to where our construction debris goes. She expressed that it was a very educational experience.

Councilor Phillips acknowledged that the Capital Improvements and Economic Development Committee met on February 18th and had a very nice discussion with Economic Development Director Kevin Jenkins. S he gave an update on what is going on with grants. She also mentioned that the Gorham Outdoors Club is planning many fun outdoor events in the coming weeks that you can check out on their website.

Chairman Pratt attended the February 17th GEDC meeting and reported that they had a discussion about the recent MEREDA Conference. He also reported that the GEDC will be starting a member outreach program which will consist of certain members of the GEDC reaching out to businesses in Town.

Town Manager Paraschak informed citizens that road postings are now in effect with the freeze/thaw cycles that are going on. The complete list of road postings are on our website. He mentioned that residents can get 2 buckets of salt/sand per storm at the Public Works Garage on Huston Road. He thanked Finance Director Sharon LaFlamme for securing a phenomenal rate for the School Department Bond that was recently passed by voters. He also reported that he attended the MMA Legislative Policy Meeting and one LD bill that he is following is the change in TIF policies that will allow Municipalities to use TIF funds for municipal facilities.

Town Council approved a renewal liquor license for Angelo’s Pizzeria and Restaurant, located at 474 Main Street.

An Adult Use & Medical Marijuana License was approved for Skyfall Cannapy, LLC, located at 17 Little Wing Lane, property owned by 422 Ocean, LLC, with the conditions that they pass all inspections and receive a Certificate of Occupancy prior to beginning operations.

Town Council approved amendments to the Clustered Residential Development section of Land Use and Development Code.