Staff Writer

Voters living in Gorham’s three Wards will go to the polls on June 13 to vote on the FY23-24 school budget validation. There are no other issues on the ballot.

On May 16, the Town Council voted to approve a $51,141,479 school budget after voting to reduce the one submitted by the School Committee (SC) by $800,000. At a special meeting on May 24, the School Committee voted to take the mandated reduction from Capital Improvements Projects rather than from personnel or programs that would more directly affect students.

June 8 is the last day to vote during regular office hours at the Municipal Center. Absentee ballots are still available from the Town Clerk’s office and must be returned there by the end of the voting day, June 13. If a voter has a requested absentee ballot, but would prefer to vote in person at their polling place, they must not bring that unvoted absentee ballot to the polls. They will be issued a new ballot.

Polls will be open from 7 to 8 a.m. on June 13. Residents of Ward 1-1 vote at the Gorham Middle School, Ward 1-2 residents at Great Falls Elementary School, and those in Ward 2 at the Municipal Center.